Niekita completed her B.Com and is currently working as a Content writer @BR Softech. She achieved the certificate for contributing the story for the book, “If I Had A Last Wish”. Let us know more about her writng.
What inspired you to come up with this anthology book?
Hello WriterStory, Greetings!
Well, it is the love for filling slam books for friends, that I got inspired to come up with this amazing concept anthology book, If I Had A Last Wish.
I saw a wonderful question in one of the slam book, “If I Had A Last Wish” in my graduation days. Before filling up that question, I just flipped earlier pages of other people’s answers. The lovely one line answers flabbergasted me.
So, I thought if 1 line can amaze you, then how about coming up with an anthology books of this magical title.
Thanks to all the authors who contributed gripping stories for the book.
Much thanks to Abhisar Garg, who helped me from soup-to-nuts. I had just put forth my idea to him and he helped me in selecting the best stories to be included in the book. He edited the stories wonderfully.
What did you like to read when you were a girl?
I loved reading the amazing romantic poetries by poets like Emily Dickenson, Percy Byssche Shelley, Robert Burns.
What is the greatest challenge in compiling an anthology book?
The biggest challenge I faced was in selecting the stories, there were stories which I had to reject just by 1% in competition with the other story. It was a tough job for selecting the apt stories for the book.
How much research do you do before writing the book?
It depends on the concept I write. Some of the story concept requires immense research to be done, before beginning writing.
What motivated you to come up with the acnthology book “If I Had A Last Wish”?
Well, reading my friend’s slam book, having a question “If I Had A Last Wish”, each person having a beautiful wish, reading them left me spellbound. And recalling those memories of slam book and this particular question in 1 of the slam book I filled, motivated me to come up with the anthology book of this title.
Can you tell us more about your latest book “If I Had A Last Wish”?
The title itself represents what the book is all about. The inspirational book makes you understand about the last wishes and the priorities you must have for the fulfillment of your last wishes.
The wonderful book made by Niekita Tak and Abhisar Garg
How did you came up with the idea of making anthology genre book?
In today’s date, where the Indian market is covered with anthology book of fictional stories of romance genre (mostly), I wanted to come up with a magical title, that will inspire you in various ways, instead of boggling deep inside the love stories, but more on the unfulfilled last wishes.
Who are your favourite authors/poets?
Well, favourite authors are John Grisham, Rohit Sharma, Anne Frank.
Favourite poets: Percy Bysshe Shelly, Emily Dickenson, Robert Burns, William Blake.
How much time do you dedicate for writing on a daily basis?
It depends on the ideas. 2 hours is fixed. And sometimes it goes beyond too.
What words of wisdom would you like to give to aspiring writers?
Live each moment of your life. Keep getting inspired from your life, you will come up with writing a masterpiece.
Keep reading! 🙂
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