Sweta is currently studying in her 10th Grade. Let us know more about her writing.
What inspired you to start writing?
I wanted to changed the mindset. So I started writing. I felt that a pen is mightier than a sword.
What did you like to read when you were a girl?
I used to love Panchatantra tales. I wasn’t a vivid reader as a kid.
What is the greatest challenge in writing a book?
Describing small things such minutely that readers can feel the situation around them. I feel that’s a challenge.
How much research do you do before writing the book?
I did some research. Though not much. But presently I am doing a lot of research for completing my second book.
What motivated you to write the book “Lot For Others”?
The feeling on being judged by your look and size. That induced something in me to write the book.
Can you tell us more about your latest book “Lot For Others”?
Well. Its a loves story.
An complete one but yet incomplete in it! “Do the looks of a person matter in a true relationship? Why does a relationship end? Just because the redundant questions of the society can’t be answered? What would you feel when you meet that one person, whom you had left once upon a time, for the sake of his happiness in this ever-judging world, but whose actual happiness was in you, something you didn’t understand then. How would you react when you have to choose either one of two important things? Can life always give you a second chance? The story revolves around Ishanvi, a chubby girl. Everyone likes her, but only a few love her. Her looks are not appealing, whereas, her heart is of gold. She always puts herself behind others. She thinks of the world before contemplating about herself. What will happen when she gets into a relationship with a guy who is the dream man of every girl?
The book unfolds this tale.
How did you come up with the idea of writing romantic fiction genre book?
I was inspired by my circumstances, situations and people around me.
Who are your favourite authors?
Khaled Hosseni and Paulo Coelho, their books are like Bible for me.
Khaled Hosseni’s books enrich me with vocabulary and Paulo Coelho’s philosophy enlightens me.
How much time do you dedicate to writing on a daily basis?
It completely depends on my mood.
What words of wisdom would you like to give to aspiring writers?
I would just pass them a small message.
Dreams break. Everything seems like an illusion. The way is long and dark. Sometimes it feels that there’s nothing left. Everything is ending. The mind is saying to go for that which is planned. A planning of life which is perfectly carved, with no risks. But the heart wants to explore more. It wants to try more to get into an unusual strata of success. There’s a war going on between the heart and mind. Everything seems so vague. Mind forbids but the heart sanctions.
And in between this war, the entire life goes. Trying and falling, learning and teaching ,this sums up the life. Consequently, there’s a only thing that’s permanent. That’s the ‘growth’. Either positive or negative, which depends on how early your war between these two entities end in you and you decide to work. Work , not to show or prove but to achieve happiness which lies in those dreams.
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