Sunil Gera completed BSc Mechanical Engineering from DCE, Delhi. He also holds Diploma in Marketing Management from JBIMS Mumbai. He is currently handling Marketing of Pharmaceutical and Packaging Equipment. He is also CEO of Star Tech Corporation. He achieved Jaycee President position in Wadala Chapter.
What inspired you to start writing?
I always thought that I could write well. I was touched by any kind of moving experience. It could be a good song, a good narration, a good scenery, a kind gesture or a good movie.
What did you like to read when you were a boy?
When I was a boy I loved reading Irving Wallace, Ayn Rand, George Orwell, Harper Lee, Pearl S Buck.
What is the greatest challenge in writing a book?
The greatest challenge in writing a book is to keep the readers absorbed in the story. The book should open up their imagination.
How much research do you do before writing the book?
I keep thinking about the plot based on my imagination, my life experiences ,my exposure to various books and good movies.I keep making the changes in characters, situations and locations while I write. I think from my characters’ mindsets.
What motivated you to write the book “Stars In Yours Eyes”?
“Stars In Your Eyes” is a result of my experience of living in Mumbai. I have observed the world of “Bollywood”.I met a lot of people , who came to Mumbai due to the glamour of the city.They were driven by the glamour,glitz, money, fame, passion,lust and creativity.
How did you came up with the idea of Romantic Thriller genre book?
I am Romantic person by nature. I have been inspired by romantic books and movies since my boyhood.It was but natural to express myself in the genre which I understood better.
Who are your favourite authors?
Jeffrey Archer, Hakan Nesser,Stieg Larsson.
How much time do you dedicate for writing on a daily basis?
I write about 150 words every day. It takes me about an hour.
What words of wisdom would you like to give to aspiring writers?
Travel and meet lots of people, try to experience life first hand.
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