Shweta has done B.Sc Maths (Hon). She is also MBA in marketing. Currently she heads marketing division for ETG. Let us know more about her in her own words about her writing.
What inspired you to start writing?
I am writing poems since childhood. It was my father’s birthday and I wanted to prepare a surprise gift for him. Wall hanging cum greeting card it was, but it needed a message. Tried copying from other cards we had at home but nothing really interested me, asked Mom, she said write something from your heart. At the age of seven, I realised that your words and thoughts can be created, they need not be copy pasted. That moment was inspirational. Wrote a small poem, papa loved it and since then, I started expressing myself through my writing even if it is anger.
What did you like to read when you were a girl?
I enjoyed reading comics, story books and children’s column in Sunday newspapers. those were the only access to information during my days of childhood apart from television.
What is the greatest challenge in writing a book?
The decision that you would pen down your thoughts, create a make believe world with a few hundred pages is a challenge in itself. Unlike cinema, magazine, radio, music where there is a person engaging audience, here that characters needs to be created in a very limited space. The task is challenging and interesting at the same time.
How much research do you do before writing the book?
Research is important before working on a subject, even if it is fiction there are incidents that coincide with certain parts of the story and a good research work helps. I try to research as much a possible.
What motivated you to write the book “Dark White”?
I have always believed the fact that life is as you lead. Having walked a journey all by myself there was a lot to share, express but in a more meaningful and creative way. Thrills and dramas of life fascinate me, so as I began writing a light heart comedy experiences with life motivated me to first unveil the ‘Dark White‘ which is the truth of life.
Can you tell us more about your latest book “Dark White”?
Dark White is a suspense thriller, story of seven characters of Scorpion Gang. The suspense unfolds as the Dark side of the White opens up for each of them. White is the aspiration and Dark is the path that leads to it. This story is based on the belief that rules are made to keep integrity of the game, but the Dark White finds loop holes. This line in itself describes a lot about whatever we could see around. These seven characters represent their role in the society and dedicatedly define their game within the set game.
How did you came up with the idea of writing fiction genre book?
Fiction is an area where you can explore more and have the liberty to set your rules of the game. It gives you a scope to be more creative and I love that freedom of thought and expression.
Who are your favourite authors?
I grew up reading Munshi Premchandra, Subadra Kumari Chauhan, their connection to the real world inspires me to be more grounded. There is a huge list of Indian Authors whom I appreciate – Anuja Chauhan, Amish Triphati, Anand Neelkhanthan, Chetan Bhagat.
How much time do you dedicate for writing on a daily basis?
With work it gets a little difficult to write daily, I try to give atleast 2-3 days in a week to writing.
What words of wisdom would you like to give to aspiring writers?
Writing is just like a mirror, you meet your own self. Half of the day we spend talking to self, pen down those words you would realise that this is the someone whom you always wanted to be with, someone who is your friend, your philosopher and guide. Keep writing and exploring.
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