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Shikha Kumar Interview – He Fixed the Match She Fixed Him Book

Shikha Kumar is currently working as an IT Manager in a company in USA. She had done B-Tech Computer Science from Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering, Delhi. She has written a novel named “He Fixed the Match She Fixed Him“. Interesting name, isn`t it? Let us know more about the author and the novel in her own words:

Shikha Kumar Interview

What inspired you to start writing?

Honestly, I don’t have any flashy answer for this question; writing has been a deliberate choice. Slightly as a revolt of kind of books that are coming in the market but mostly as a passion for introducing characters & stories in my mind to the world outside.

What did you like to read when you were a girl?

I have never been and still am not an avid reader. I always read on recommendations, and now I at times read my fellow authors as gratitude for the support they provided me in my early days of writing.

What is the greatest challenge in writing a book?

Marketing without doubt. I think more than getting published, being read is biggest challenges of our times, especially for debutants. With bookshops closing fast and book-buyers turning to online shopping, it’s getting difficult to get readers attention these days.

How much research do you do before writing the book?

My book was more about human emotions. It’s RomCom category. My research had been mostly how people react in situations v/s how should they react.

Shikha Kumar Interview

What motivated you to write the book “He Fixed the Match She Fixed Him”?

As I said, just burning passion for telling a story. To share my thoughts wrapped in an entertaining package.

Can you tell us more about your latest book “He Fixed the Match She Fixed Him”?

Book is about two enemies, who end up getting married. Their story undergoes various emotions and situations. They explored each other’s better side and built something beautiful together every day. The idea is, if you believe in love and it’s healing power even two enemies can make it.

How did you come up with the idea of writing Romantic genre book?

I’m hardcore Bollywood. So RomCom was a natural choice. Also, as an audience I don’t like getting preached. So as a writer it was a conscious attempt to write something entertaining that tickles the heart and inspires positivity in relationships.

Who are your favourite authors?

None actually. I’m a very product-based person. I have favorite books but if the same author writes a bad story, I don’t hesitate in sharing my genuine thoughts.

How much time do you dedicate for writing on a daily basis?

There’s no fixed duration. I write about 7-10 hours a week, but it’s not evenly divided among days.

What words of wisdom would you like to give to aspiring writers?

Write good stories and spread happiness. Let’s do our bit of making world a better place.

And don’t give up on being rejected. There will always be a mean for your story to reach the world. Maintain the tenacity of spirits.

You can buy her book now:


About Nikhil Narkhede

He likes to read inspirational books. He is a Professional Blogger, Entrepreneur and a power networker. By education he is a Computer Engineer and by profession he is an Online Marketer.

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