Mitali completed B.Tech (IT) from ITER College, Bhubaneswar, Odisha. Currently she is working on the sequel of Dark Soul and is also a Trainee in Wipro Limited. Let us know more about her writing in her own words.
What inspired you to start writing?
I used to write a lot of poems, articles during my school days. Writing makes me happy. I always wanted to do something creative apart from my usual career studies. So one day this idea of writing a fantasy thriller came to my mind. And it felt so exciting that I immediately started working on the project and I have never looked back since.
What did you like to read when you were a girl?
I was a peculiar bookworm, I must say. I used to read a lot many books, starting from Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, Harry Potter, Eragon and many more crime stories too. I have a huge craze for thriller and fantasy books.
What is the greatest challenge in writing a book?
The greatest challenge in writing a book is that you have to be entirely involved with the characters. It might sound funny, but sometimes they whisper words and you have to listen to them. And when it comes to writing fantasy, the difficulty gets doubled. Because you literally have to imagine an entirely different world in your head. Fantasy can have anything but it also must be logical to some extent to grab the readers’ attention.
How much research do you do before writing the book?
Yes, definitely a lot of research needs to be done before writing the book. During my first book, it was more important because it was my first time and I needed to get the essence of writing which could appeal the readers. As in now, I’m working on the sequel which includes horror as well. So I need to be careful enough and have proper understanding of horror writings before stepping forward.
What motivated you to write the book “Dark Soul: A Lament within The Core”?
“Dark Soul” came into my life when I was going through a very tough phase. I always like to pen down my feelings. Those days were such that just writing down my feelings wasn’t enough. So when I got this idea of writing a fantasy thriller, my life started to change. In fact it got sorted out. I had read a lot many fantasy novels so that motivated me even more to go on with the project. Dark Soul helped me discover myself.
Can you tell us more about your latest book “Dark Soul: A Lament within The Core”?
“Dark Soul…a lament within the core” is a dark fantasy romantic thriller set in Boston. The story unravels the deep mystery of Tom’s misfortune forecasted by his undead father and also adding Kristaine’s emotional weakness for Tom. Thereafter the chase for the darkness begins which reveals some of their worst fears and secrets.
As the back blurb says:
Ailing mother dies screaming that her unborn child is evil and now the only family Tom knows is granny and best friend Kristaine.
At a height of time when he’s experiencing his first love, he realizes that he’s possessed. He soon finds his girl missing and holds himself responsible.
Now can he get back his only love?
Is he going to survive with the nasty secrets forever or will he find a way out?
How did you came up with the idea of writing fiction genre book?
As I said, I was pretty fascinated when I used to read fantasy/thriller books. It made me drift away from the reality for a while. So obviously I had to choose this genre only for my first book.
Who are your favourite authors?
My favourite authors are J.K. Rowling, Carolyn Keene, Greg Iles, Ruskin Bond, Karin Slaughter and the list goes on.
How much time do you dedicate for writing on a daily basis?
Due to my busy schedule, it becomes difficult for me to write on a daily basis. So I basically spend my weekend writing the book. Those are the happy days of my week.
What words of wisdom would you like to give to aspiring writers?
I would like to suggest my fellow young writers to write from heart. This is similar in all writers and it’s true that when a writer completes writing, they feel complete and satisfied. So always follow your heart. And I would like to encourage writers in India to pursue writing in other genres too. There are many genres still left unexplored in Indian literature. Hoping that in coming years, many more writers can contribute in there too.
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