This is the debut novel by the new young Indian Author Meith Jain. The 18 years old boy who imagines the world full of creativity by it’s nature and People around us. He is currently pursuing his degree in Commerce Stream in Jain University in Bangalore.
What inspired you to start writing?
To be Honest, Nothing as such inspired me to write a whole book of around 200 pages. I never dreamt that I would be writing a novel of my own considering the fact I couldn’t identified the notion for which I aspired. This book has fulfilled my unexpected and Unthoughtful dream of becoming an Author. But I would thank my Support system I.e. my Parents and My Friends creating a major part o of my writing journey factually and also Financially.
What did you like to read when you were a boy?
Being an Boy though surviving in an Teenage period, I prefer reading Romantic fiction Novels. Nowadays We usually noticed that majority of the teens falls in love with the opposite gender, it’s just not because of their age but the level of attraction a person creates for themselves make the other person to fall for them. The main reason behind reading Romantic novels is because it has a syndrome feeling that couldn’t be replaced by any other genre. I like reading those stuff inside the book where a boy and girl express their feelings for each other, they create a understanding and try making it as unbreakable bonding.
What is the greatest challenge in writing a book?
Writing a book is like directing a movie. I have been hearing from my sobs that ‘we aren’t able to read a page of our academic inclined books and you have written a whole big book isn’t funny ?’ The replied I gave to them reformed their thoughts ‘My dear friends, My father always used to say me, son don’t give up for what you are aspiring to achieve, always keep in mind “Whenever you feel like quitting just remember why you have imitated”. I locked his words in my heart and finally I was able to unlock my dream to become an author.
How much research do you do before writing the book?
It’s an perception that whenever you start any new work, you need to prepare a base for it. When I finally concluded my mind to write a book I purchased a new diary from a stationery shop and noted down all the necessary points that has to remembered while executing at the time of writing. Though not being much influent in English writing, I started practicing improving my Punctuations with the help of my oxford dictionary, I started reading Journals and romantic fiction books. As I was all set with my base I used my creativity and started building an imaginary sorry and Finally I was able to give the final touch up and now my books are in view of the entire world.
What motivated you to write the book “Five Signs of Love”?
Nothing as such motivated or inspired me to write a book I believe in a long beloved dream, the only thing I admired for is to have a pure and genuine feelings for a person we love. I can only say It was just a stroke of my luck that I thought of writing a book and I was able to publish it in a very respectfully manner. Motivating people wasn’t my target instead I just recollected the way the world is admiring to fall in Love.
Can you tell us more about your latest book “Five Signs of Love”?
Well, the title itself deliver the message that this book is all about Love. Five signs of Love is an romantic fiction novel written by Meith Jain. This novel describes how people upholds their responsibility by making their loved ones giving an comfort level of satisfaction. Friends are Life and Love is World of a person. This novel speaks about the way a boy from Pune professionally in the field of swimming falls in Love with Meghna who is also an professional Swimmer where they both participates in SSC i.e. State Swimming Championship and how one with the blessings of parents able to achieve the success. This book will make readers to visualises about the entire love story of the protagonists. Apart from Love, it also speaks about the unbreakable bonding of Friendship that Karan and his friends have for each other.
I can’t be sure whether this book could be in the kist of best seller or not but I can assure that the readers would get entirely lost while reading this book.
How did you came up with the idea of writing romantic fiction genre book?
Let me deeply expand my dream of becoming author. I remembered When I was doing my schooling in Chennai i.e. 11th Std, I was leisurely warming up the my bench listening to the teacher, next to me one friend of mine was contiguously reading a thick book which was other than academics. I got distracted after seeing him reading a book.l I asked him that which book are you reading he replied ‘It’s a novel written my famous author Chetan Bhagat and the name of the book is Half Girlfriend’. Oh, Romantic Novel, I replied. Yeah, Do you want to read, he offered but I was least interested reading all this kinds of books. But he didn’t gave up and kept on forcing me to read the book then Finally I resist my mind and accepted his request and took the book from him. It took me 3 days to complete a book spending around 3 hours a day. It changed my life, It changed my view not only mentally but also emotionally after reading the book. I never dreamt that I could ever read a thick book with such a understanding. I was just got lost entirely inside the world of the story hidden inside the book and then I thanked my Friend for offering such a great book. After that I made my mind to read books of Romantic fiction genre. I started on ordering books online and kept on reading it and that made me to see the world I am now holding on. #Author
Who are your favourite authors?
All the authors in the world are my favourite because I feel holding the position of an author is such a hammer full thing confidentially the feelings of the people and of course their emotions. But then I would reveal my favourite author and he is none other than the National Best Seller Mr. Sudeep Nagarkar, the author of 8 bestselling romantic fiction novels apart from him there we’re many similar authors like him to whom I admired is Ravinder Singh, Durjoy Dutta and Savi Sharma. Their novels clesrly defines the value of Friendship and Love of the youth and teens and not only the goals but also they speaks about how to enhance the talent of ours hidden inside and shows us the way towards Success.
How much time do you dedicate for writing on a daily basis?
Since it was my debut novel, I didn’t want to wrap up the novel as earliest as it is. Though being an College Student I uphold the many responsibility inside the college premises like Organising the events and fest, Concentrating towards academics that all ate away half of my day. So whenever I used to feel relax and had my leisure time I used to write the book approx. 2 hours a day and It took me around 4 months to complete the entire book out of which a month for creating the story and the rest to build the content inside it.
What words of wisdom would you like to give to aspiring writers?
I won’t go more in detail. I would just like to say to all the people who are aspiring to become writers is don’t at all think to give up on your writings. Seriously trust me Writing is such a wonderful feeling that a person cam have it. You would be facing my challenges and Struggles in the initiative of your writing journey but when you are done with it you wouldn’t feel like Elephant resting om your chest. Author is that profession that people gives at most respect to them. Being an Author purifies our heart and it create well willingness to help each and every person who don’t know the way to get rid from their depression and it helps them to motivate to make their happy future ahead.
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