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Harpreet Kaur Interview – The Saint of Ajmer Book

We interviewed Harpreet Kaur. She is a freelance writer and editor. She has done  MA in History and also Diploma in Journalism and  Computer Programming. Recently her 3 books were published. So let us know about her experience about these books.

Harpreet Kaur Interview - The Saint of Ajmer Book

What inspired you to start writing?

While researching for an ad for Sobhagya Advertising in The USIS library, I came across a book on archaeology (myfavourite topic) and while waiting for xeroxes i started to make notes on the sheet of paper I had …thats how it all began…and then it went on from one book to another, the ball is still rolling.

What did you like to read when you were a girl?

I loved to read almost every type of writing from Enid Blyton tonancy Drew, Hardy boys and shakespeare, although at that time I did not understand his language that well. and I had this habit which ever book dad would bring from his library may it be a magazine or newspaper, I would sit and make it a point to go through it thoroughly.

What is the greatest challenge in writing a book?

Ah! The greatest challenge is writing it down exactly as you want it to be read,

Researching – is easy as you try to get all the information that you will require, extra notes always help – never chuck them out!!

How much research do you do before writing the book?

I do lots of research, anything more always helps and it should not fall short.

What motivated you to write the book “Song of the Desert”?

Harpreet Kaur Interview - The Saint of Ajmer BookThe inspiration for this book was Prithviraj Raso and the love of Prithviraj for Samyukta – the book that describes in detail the life and adventures of Prithviraj Chauhan and is written by Chand Bardai.

A couple has waited 800 years for each other, that someday their love will conquer all. His life is like an adventure where he avenges the death of his parents but his only desire is to marry the girl he loves.

He has many enemies including his own grandfather who does not wish him to sit on the throne although he has been named in the ancient scrolls as the true heir. His half Rajput and half Irish ancestry seems to frustrate many but not him – brave, rich, and handsome, and completely royal to boot. He will get the girl he loves and this time round no one will come in his way.

Can you tell us more about your book “The Rajput Warrior”?

Harpreet Kaur Interview - The Saint of Ajmer BookThe Rajput Warrior is a tale of love, hate and war. Set in the 9th century Rajputana, India it tells the tale of two leading
dynasties of Rajputana that are creating a foothold in their kingdom as well as making their presence felt in other regions.

An archaeological discovery by Archaeologist Matt Lachlan of the remains of the 9th century palace in Taragarh, Ajmer (previously known as Ajai Meru Durg) telling the legendary story that remained under wraps for the past 12 centuries.

The story involves around Aryan and Padmavati the two lead characters who belong to the Chauhan clan of Rajputs and who love each other and marry. They live and die for their people and family but never give in to the enemy.

Anhul Chauhan is father of Padmavati and the King of Ajai Meru while Master Gauth is its Prime Minister,a wise and very intelligent and educated man, although an outsider he makes Ajai Meru his home and the its people his own too.

Jaichand from Kairauli on the other hand is the enemy whom Aryan and Padmavati have to fight for the survival of their country and people. He wants Padmavati at any cost and if it means war and destruction, so be it. His hate and anger against Aryan is equally consuming him and leads to the ten day war.

Aryan is a Prince from Mallani who leaves his country to settle in Ajai Meru to serve Anhul and falls in love with his daughter, Princess Padmavati. It’s a match made in heaven, even the king and prime minister approve and so do the people of Ajai Meru. Except Jaichand who not only wants the princess but also the power that will come with
the kingdom of Ajai Meru for after An hul, Padmavati is to take the throne of Ajai Meru.

The ten day war between Ajai Meru and Karauli warriors ends in the death fro Anhul, Padmavati and Jaichand. Aryan survives but does not sit on the throne of Ajai  Meru, leaving it for his son Prithvi who is brought up under the eagle eye of Master Gauth.

His son Prithvi takes over the throne on an auspicious day but before that proves to his people that he is a Chauhan and a capable ruler even at the age of 12 years. Two others followed him who used the same name and proved that they
were equally better rulers than those that existed in the past.

Can you tell us about your latest book “The Saint of Ajmer”?

Harpreet Kaur Interview - The Saint of Ajmer BookAjmer, an ancient city, stands on the highest plateau of the Aravalli range. Famous as the capital of the Chauhan empire, it became the center of the world for thousands of people who found solace at the shrine of Sufi saint Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti. Born in Sajistan, he became the follower of Chistiya sect and found place among the chosen five Khwajas, known well in the world.He laid the foundations of the Chishtiya order in Ajmer, which soon spread across India. His firm faith in Wahdat al-wujud (the Unity of Being) provided the ideological support to his mystic mission their aim is to live for God alone. The early Chistis did not ask for formal conversion to Islam to being a prerequisite of a follower. He interpreted religion in terms of human service and always told his disciples to reach the highest level of devotion was by – “to redress the misery of those in distress- to fulfill the needs of the helpless and to feed the hungry.” This book is an effort to give an insight into this great saint’s life and his teachings.

How did you came up with the idea of writing Fiction genre books?

I began by writing non fiction but my friends encouraged me by saying I should give fiction a chance so I did – by writing fiction.

All the three books mentioned above were launched consecutively in last 3 months. So in such short time, how did you managed to complete the books? Or did you completed it long time back?

I started writing these books a long time ago, They just got completed and I found publishers for all three simultaneously and they got published one after the other.

Harpreet Kaur Interview - The Saint of Ajmer Book

Who are your favourite authors?

Alsitair Maclean, Louis L’amour, Clive Cussler, Robin Cook,  Agatha Christie, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Chand Bardai to name just a few.

How much time do you dedicate for writing on a daily basis?

I usually give day time for my freelance work and 2/3 hours at night for my books.

What words of wisdom would you like to give to aspiring writers?

I read something long time ago when I was looking for a publisher for my first book – An artist is like a cactus, it continues to grow with or without patronage. And these words always help me look inwards for help, when I feel down.

You can buy her books now:


About Nikhil Narkhede

He likes to read inspirational books. He is a Professional Blogger, Entrepreneur and a power networker. By education he is a Computer Engineer and by profession he is an Online Marketer.

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