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Dhaval Dange Interview – Pages From Life Book

Dhaval Dange completed his Bachelors & Masters in Computer Science from Pune. He is currently working as a software developer and working as Technology Lead at Infosys, Pune. He is also an Author of “The Other Way Round” and a guest columnist at an online magazine. Let us know more about Dhaval and his writing.

Dhaval Dange Interview

How do you feel getting interviewed again on WriterStory?

Simply put, feels great really. I still remember the kind of fun conversation we had during “The Other Way Round“. I am a regular regular reader of writerstory website and it’s a pleasure and honor to be interviewed again. Without being modest I really feel equally proud that I get interviewed on the website that has also interviewed great seasoned writers like Amish Tripathi!

How to write a good manuscript and present it to the publisher?

Good or bad is really a subjective matter. If there was ever a formula we would never have had a writer who has failed. We have seen numerous examples where the experienced people in the book business have scrapped a particular work which eventually then turned out to be a best seller. I only believe in having faith in whatever one writes. If it doesn’t excite the writer himself there are less chances for it to connect to the readers.

What is the greatest challenge in choosing the right publisher?

Greatest challenge is to convince or make-believe the publisher or find such a publisher in the first place who believes in your idea more than getting trapped into the traditional market-value or current trends and perception of what works and what not. It gets difficult when your book kind of breaks some stereotypes or theme hasn’t been tried and tested earlier. Greatest challenge is to find a creative mind who matches yours and acknowledges your idea and is willing to take the plunge for you.

How much research you did before writing the book?

Pages from Life didn’t require much of research. It’s not technical, history, biography nor a travelogue. All it required is observation and some philosophy of my own to an extend. These are just some pages from each one of our lives, basically short stories in a fictionalized format. Life and everything associated with it is the only research I had to go through to have this see light of the day.

Dhaval Dange Interview – Pages From Life Book

What motivated you to write the book “Pages from Life”?

If we keep our eyes and years open, there are just too many stories around us waiting to be told. I have read a lot of fiction earlier and then switched my tastes to the non-fiction or biographical/autobiographical works. Fiction to me appeals only if it seems real or is close to reality, something that I can believe in. Pages from Life is such an attempt to bring forth all such aspects of life in front of the readers in form of short stories or poems. I’m pretty sure that people will relate to at least one if not many stories from the collection and feel that these are their stories or about something or someone they know. Life and people around me are my biggest motivation for Pages from Life.

How did you come up with the idea of writing anthology genre book?

Frankly speaking I didn’t. It just happened. Over many years I already had a couple of stories, poems and few articles as my personal collection. I am already working on something which again is a full fledged novel which always is quite a daunting task. In the meanwhile I just happened to think if why not just rework on few of these short stories and articles just to have a book in an anthology genre. I causally as an idea just approached Srujan Dreams publishing and they really took my idea and the book quite positively and before I knew it, Pages from Life was a reality.

Can you enlighten on any of your marketing/promotion strategies which worked for your previous books?

Social media is one of the greatest of platforms that today’s generation have as a boon. Promotions on social media platform such as Facebook, Twitter and other online forums provides great visibility for writers and consumers all over the world. Apart from this the publishers themselves have their own strategies to send out mailers to their registered readers and followers. Even platforms such as this very online website, WriterStory, pushes our works to more and more readers. Basically anything good or bad is publicized through some or the other source and we must explore every single of that source if required.

How much minimum time should an author give on daily basis to writing?

Art should be mood driven and not time governed is all I can say. You might spend hours just for the sake of it but come up with something mediocre or you just might be in the right mood to emote something and create a masterpiece. This isn’t science or math that needs particular time-slots, all it needs is your brain and heart to be in sync. If you ask me I guess I’m the most in-disciplined when it comes to writings.
There are days were I have written at stretch for hour or two where as there have been months when I haven’t even punctuated anything. There is no rule, no timeline.

Any tips or words of motivation you want to share with aspiring writers?

Reading good and all kinds of literature is the only way to be a good writer. Unless you read, and read a lot I don’t believe that you can grow as a writer. Of course you got to have your own style and unique ideas to
present, but the perspective and hang of how to communicate effectively through text does need quite some grooming. Secondly, just do your bit. You cannot be a J.K. Rowling or Rudyard Kipling overnight. Even if you are discarded by number of people, you need to have faith in what you do, you need to understand that not everyone thinks on the same plane. As I had quoted in my earlier book, “faith is nothing but taking the first step even when you don’t see the staircase”. Have faith and patience, things will come your way.

You can buy his book now:

About Nikhil Narkhede

He likes to read inspirational books. He is a Professional Blogger, Entrepreneur and a power networker. By education he is a Computer Engineer and by profession he is an Online Marketer.

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