Anuj Tiwari completed Engineering from Jaypee University followed by an MBA degree in finance and human resources management.He is currently working as Quality and Business Analyst at Accenture Services. He is awarded as Best Emerging Author by Newspapers Association of India (NAI) Achiever Awards, October 2014. Let us know more about his writing.
What inspired you to start writing?
You know, life is magical, you never know what happens tomorrow. One moment you are happy, another moment you become sad and sometimes you have to face worst when people are not around, I was at that situation when I just and just needed one person or I would say, I was looking for one shoulder to release my emotions but I couldn’t find one, and I had to end up picking up pen and writing.
Those were the days of 2011 when friends were celebrating success of joining new world of professional life, I was still waiting to get the real happiness in life.
What did you like to read when you were a boy?
When I was a kid I used to say my mom that I want to do something different in my life but every time my mom slapped on my face and I was back to my studies. I grew up and studied in various types of schools – convent, Sanskrit and even government schools of Utter Pradesh where teaches are like celebrities who rarely appear in classes. My childhood was quite dramatic in terms of education but my family was too much concerned about my life…too much. And I only wanted to do something different. How and why, that I didn’t know. So logically, I was not fond of reading literature but I was taught all about mythology that my grandfather used to tell me stories. I was so much obsessed with it and see, what I have become – An author of Romance, as I said, life is magical and you never know.
What is the greatest challenge in writing a book?
I was suffering from six months of depression when I completed my first book – Journey of Two Hearts! From writing to cover designing, I did everything because it was too close to my life. Book hit the best seller chart just after four weeks of its release and that helped me to come out of depression.
Before that, twenty two publishers had rejected my first manuscript that covers almost all the publishers of India. Indian publishing is very vast and versatile. Few publishers asked amount of two to four lakhs to publish the book but it’s always better for an author not to go with paid publishing because it kills the skills and segment of possible improvements that helps in future. Again I waited for 18 months and then finally book was released on September 5th and became best seller after a month. And from that day, I am blessed from my readers and people who supported me.
How much research do you do before writing the book?
This is a question that troubles me to answer from last three years.
I haven’t read any book till date. There are few reasons behind it:
First excuse: I work with an organization that doesn’t give me chance to read or write.
I visit colleges and universities for events when they invite. So, three fulltime responsibilities don’t give me time to turn up the pages.
Second excuse: I believe I lose the originality of idea and skills whenever I pick any book. It’s a human tendency to remember and adopt things, and doing such things in our life with subconscious mind. Yes, it happens especially those who believe that reading is must for writing. No, it’s completely not. That adoption is called copying in other terms. So, I prefer to meet people and take real life experiences because every person has a story and I love to listen to them.
What motivated you to write the book “It’s Not Right…But it’s Okay”?
It’s not Right to ask before the release…but It’s Okay, I would only say in one line – if we have a past that we aren’t particularly proud of, it doesn’t mean that we can’t have a promising future.
‘It’s Not Right…but It’s Okay’ is quite different from my previous two books as titles entitles it clearly. It is based on a true story around my friends, family and of I am also there in the book J
How did you come up with the idea of writing romantic fiction genre book?
Love – The foundation of every problem, and sometimes, a solution too. As I always wanted to narrate the story I lived into, it started with a romance and I ended up with a book. I didn’t even know what is genre or in which category my book will come when I was approaching publishers because I knew nothing about books and writing industry. So what genre I write that you can only tell. I am happy that I don’t need to write horror or intense thriller as I only write stories.
How much time do you dedicate to writing on a daily basis?
Don’t know I am blessed or those were the situations which came up in life but yes, it’s true that just 4 hours of sleep enough for me. I get up early morning write from 4:30 to 6:35 am and then I get ready for office, where I can’t even get time to write a single word. So when I reach back, I write or re-write from 11:00 pm to 1:00 am. Sometimes it’s really tough to manage and so tempting to spend time with friends when they are partying and watching movies and other stuff but you can’t get everything in life and that’s so true. That’s my crazy schedule and I feel lucky and blessed with that.
What words of wisdom would you like to give to aspiring writers?
Don’t stop. Do what YOU believe you are good into and will work for you. People will always give their opinions but you need to listen to your soul’s advice. And yes, don’t go with paid publishing or not just to publish your book. Things take time and we shouldn’t lose patience because sometimes only last card decides the winner.
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Heard a lot about “Its not right but its Okay” by Anuj Tiwari . Excited to read…Nice interview