Anuj Shrivastava has completed B.Sc. Mass Communication, Advertisement & Journalism. He is pursuing M.Sc. Cinema + P.G.D. Cinema (Specialization in Cinematography) [Final year]. He also completed a Short Term Videography Course from Film & Television Institute of India, Pune. He is currently an Author | Filmmaker | Associate Member: Film Writers’ Association | Script/Screenplay/Dialogue Writer |Speaker | Creative Mentor | Professional Manuscript Editor | Founder of Off The Record Productions. Let us know more about Anuj and his writing.
What inspired you to start writing?
Being a Mass Comm. student, I was supposed to write News Reports, Features, Questionnaires, Scripts and all. Once while checking my assignments, one of my faculty members said, ‘Anuj, you write so well. Why don’t you write professionally?’ That moment, I did not take it seriously, considered it as just a compliment. But till the time, I had been already associated with writing, in form of short films, speeches, Anchors’ Scripts, essays for my known and all. Later, while shooting the climax of my short film, the wordings of my faculty member resumed again; and from there, the journey of ‘Anuj’ to ‘Author Anuj’ initiated.
What did you like to read when you were a boy?
I still consider myself as a boy (Age and Marks never bother me). But from the perceptive of your question, I would say, I never categorized my reading. I used to read whatever available. The morning daily was the first interaction with my reading habit. I used to read blurb of syllabus books, the news written everybody on my school notification board, good thoughts, GK books (I have had great interest in GK, but unfortunately, I couldn’t give much time to it now) sports, politics and alike. But I never read or better to say liked comics or cartoons. I never had that taste.
What is the greatest challenge in writing a book?
A book is a reading medium. It doesn’t have advantages like audio/visual medium, where visualization is readily available for the potential audience. Here, visualization is created by the readers itself according to their perceptions (other factors too included). So, situations, circumstances, characters, character’s Arc, narrative, plot, sub-plots and so on; everything need to be strong, candid, clear, clean, definite and well synched. A book must have a flow. A flow where readers easily get in, feel wet and smoothly swim till the next end.
Writing a book is ‘Skilled Art’. It’s not as tough as ‘Rocket Science’ but surely not as easy as ‘Cooking Noodles’. Having a story doesn’t make anyone a writer; the craft of telling a story makes a writer.
How much research do you do before writing the book?
Well, it varies from person to person, and also on the genre and topics someone writes on. For me, the research is unending cycle that continues 24×7 with me. Sometimes you look for things consciously and sometimes you get things unconsciously. Both are helpful for any artist. So, I keep my eyes, ears and most importantly, brain, wide open round the clock. Art is everywhere; you just need an eye to see it.
What motivated you to write the book “No Vacancy for Love”?
In second year of my bachelor, a wave about novels and authors unknowingly became part of the talks between friends. Though, no one had had a deep interest in literary, and I wasn’t an exception either. The only name I heard about is Bhagat sir (Mr. Chetan Bhagat). One of my classmates gave a few novels to me by young authors. All were Rom-Fic. While reading the second book, I felt, if they could write the stories then why I can’t?
Next day, the very first session of New Year, I entered into the class and said to my friend, ‘I’m writing a novel. I don’t know what I will write, but I’m writing for sure’. That was the very first beginning towards No Vacancy For Love.
Can you tell us more about your latest book “No Vacancy for Love”?
No vacancy For Love isn’t a love story… but a story of trust, belief, loyalty and sacrifices. This is a story about two youngsters– Shabd, Tanya and their friendship. It’s about a friendship that burns under the path of faith, humanity, decency and hurting decisions. It challenges the saying, ‘if you’re good to others, they are always good to you…if not today then wait for tomorrow.’
The book defines the thin line between Close Friendship and Love. On the perspective of boys, it tells, ‘How to carry friendship with a girl who depends on you’ and on the note of girls, it bottom-lines, ‘How to trust a boy and never misunderstands his care and support’.
This book introduced new definition of friendship. After reading this, you will call your friend and say, “Hey, will you be mine, for the rest of my life? I promise, there will be ‘No vacancy For Love’”
How did you come up with the idea of writing friendship fiction genre book?
The purpose of writing and entering into industry with ‘No Vacancy for Love’ is that, I feel, ‘Society in even 21st century doesn’t frame the exact impression about boy and girl just to be a good friend. They always move on gray lines.
A female friend, either just a friend or very close friend whom a boy shares everything; it isn’t mean, she’s his girlfriend or future wife. A girl is crying for a boy doesn’t mean she wants to fall in love with him. These differences cannot be judged by people; it just can be felt by those two people who are carrying such relation.
Secondly, in more than 90% of Rom-fic, friendship turns into love every time. Yes, I do agree that mostly love starts with friendship and grows; but you can’t avoid the reality that not every good friendship leads to love. There are people who have the best understandings of each other, hug each other, care each other and tease too. They are authoritarian over each other but that certainly doesn’t mean they want to make love.
Someone has described beautifully-
Har dosti ka anjaam mohabbat nahin hota,
Har dil se nikali pukar chahat nahin hoti…’
Who are your favourite authors?
I’ve a different point-of-view here. My list has title of Favorite Books instead of Authors. An author might have written five, six, seven or more books but it’s not necessary that all his/her art works are tremendous. So, I prefer to deal in books, rather than authors. Currently, I’m looking forward to read upcoming title ‘A Journey With My Girl’ by Ms. Luckybannu.
How much time do you dedicate for writing on a daily basis?
I’m a professional writer with nodes of Literary and Films. So it makes me work for 14-16 hours per day.
What words of wisdom would you like to give to aspiring writers?
Writing is a Responsibility, not a Fun. This is an entire different world. You’re either supposed to Inform, Educate or Entertain the readers. Understand your strong areas and style of writing. What you write is as important as how you write? Honesty, Dedication & Sincerity – All are required to be a good writer. Getting few ‘Likes’ & ‘Comments’ on social networking doesn’t make you a writer. You’ve to create world of words in which readers can stay till the last word. Always remember, ‘Only Readers make an author successful…not anyone else.’
“Writing is an unending thirst. It won’t be satisfied so easily”
Best Wishes!! Never Give Up!
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